澳洲10幸运官网开奖-168历史查询-幸运澳洲10开奖直播 A fast, open source
web browser engine.

WebKit is the web browser engine used by Safari, Mail, App Store, and many other apps on macOS, iOS, and Linux. Get started contributing code, or reporting bugs.

Web developers can follow development, check feature status, download Safari Technology Preview to try out the latest web technologies, and report bugs.

WebKit Features in Safari 17.5

WebKit Features in Safari 17.5

With just a month until WWDC24 and the unveiling of what’s coming later this year, we are happy to get these 7 features and 22 bug fixes into the hands of your users today.

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JetStream 2.2

JetStream 2.2

JetStream 2 is a suite of JavaScript and WebAssembly performance benchmarks that runs 64 subtests.

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Help us invent CSS Grid Level 3, aka “Masonry” layout

Help us invent CSS Grid Level 3, aka “Masonry” layout

If you’ve been making websites for years, you know how frustrating it was to lay out a web page with CSS floats.

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Optimizing WebKit & Safari for Speedometer 3.0

Optimizing WebKit & Safari for Speedometer 3.0

The introduction of Speedometer 3.0 is a major step forward in making the web faster for all, and allowing Web developers to make websites and web apps that were not previously possible.

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Introducing Natural Input for WebXR in Apple Vision Pro

Introducing Natural Input for WebXR in Apple Vision Pro

Apple Vision Pro is here, and with it, a lot of excitement about the possibilities for WebXR in visionOS.

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